UniFlow Dynamics provides highly specialized knowledge and experience in numerical simulations and design search and optimisation in the fields of CAD modelling, fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, acoustics, vibro-acoustics and aero-acoustics. UniFlow Dynamics serves customers in aerospace, space, railway, automotive, and machine industries.
Numerical simulations play an essential role in the research and development activities, and modern engineering design optimization. Multidisciplinary design optimisation has led to a remarkable technological progress, allowing for continuous improvement of existing or development of new devices/products or processes with simultaneous reduction of a negative impact on the environment.
UniFlow Dynamics cooperates with many specialists and world’s most successful research institutions and companies. Based on our creativity and knowledge, we build teams specifically dedicated to the project we undertake. We are strongly focused on the needs of our customers and developing effective solutions to satisfy these needs.
In our day-to-day activities, we offering highly specialized and customized services for our customers.